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Hi friends and family! I already posted some updates from our time in Eswatini on my social medias, but I wanted to put it in a blog as well for those of you who don’t use social media! Swazi was such a sweet sweet time and I think if it weren’t for Guatemala, it would have been my favorite country of the race!

I’m not sure how time keeps flying by so quick! We have already been gone from Eswatini and in South Africa for over a week and we fly back to the states 3 weeks from today! WILD! My heart became so fond of Eswatini. I struggled a lot there the first couple weeks but by the end it felt like home and it grieved me to leave. Here are some of my favorite moments from our time there, apart from ministry.

As for our ministry in Eswatini, my heart was filled with so much joy and gratitude being surrounded by those kiddos for 7 whole weeks. Our time there was spent mainly loving on them. We held hands, laughed and played, sang and danced, braided hair, sat in laps for hours, learned about Jesus, laughed at the white people’s siswati and so much more. We all fell in love with them. Kids ministry is not my favorite thing ever, and the first couple weeks were really rough. I found myself struggling to want to be present and involved, which sucked. But the Lord really gave me new perspective and so much love for these kids. By the end I was so excited to go to ministry and see them and saying goodbye to them broke my heart. I’m so thankful for the days we got with them and the relationships we got to build. I hope one day I can come visit all my little friends in Swazi. Goodbye for now. I am praising God for another country and month full of love and lessons and hard and good and sweet and messy and everything in between ❤️💛🇸🇿 Please enjoy these pictures of the most fun bunch of kids in the world that we had the honor of being with for a season.


We’re in Johannesburg, South Africa now, our 6th and final country. We are partnering with Impact Africa and it has been petal to the metal since we got here! It’s been a lot of fun and hard work! Pray for our squad to finish out strong, stay present, and give all we have in these last weeks to the Lord and the people we’re serving. Every drop is for His fame and His glory. See y’all so soon! Sending alllllllllll my love.


Jesús te ama

xoxo Tay <3

One response to “Eswatini Recap!”

  1. Wow! It looks like you’re bringing a lot of love and joy to children who probably need it.

    You look pretty happy yourself.

    That’s what it’s all about – showing the love of our Lord around the world.

    You are doing a good job fulfilling that command.

    Proud of ya!

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