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The story of Mona:

Mona is a Haitian woman living in the Dominican Republic. Haitians living in the DR is common since the unrest in Haiti began, but the hardship they step into in the DR is hardly better than the lack of safety back in their Haiti home. A lot of our ministry here is going out with a local pastor and meeting with Haitians in the community. We are simply trying to build relationships and learning what the needs of these people are.

We had never seen this woman before, neither had Pastor Job, that’s kinda the point of why we’re out… to meet people and build relationships for the local church. Our street ministry has been difficult for several of us, but this day was so sweet and pure and welcoming. Mona was sweeping in front of her house and Pastor Job asked if we could come in and talk to her. She welcomed us into her home without question. We all crammed into her little kitchen, where there was not much of anything. We sat on the floor and we just talked. We talked about her life and her relationship with God. She has a little girl who was at school that day. In the face of having little, she was seeing the faithfulness of God and her faith was strong. The faith of these people regardless of the hardship and loss that they face day in and day out is amazing. They have had their lives crumble in front of their eyes and yet they have no question as to whether or not God is sovereign or good, they trust those truths regardless. In itself, this is extremely encouraging. Mona was so glad to have us and chat with us and it was a sweet and refreshing conversation for us as well. However, none of that is what struck me the most about this encounter. When we were about to head out, Mona said to us “I see you all have water bottles and you have been drinking water but I want to give you something and all I have to give is water. I know it is more blessed to give than to receive.” She asked if it was okay if she gave us some clean water (all water has to be purchased here, you can’t drink or use much of the natural water) and we said of course. She proceeded to pull out small cups and pour us each a glass of water from her own jug. She had next to nothing. Minutes before she was asking us to pray that God would provide a bed for her daughter to sleep in because they had nothing but the floor and now here she was GIVING to US! What a picture of humility, generosity, and love. What a moment that makes you completely stop in your tracks and find a sense of awe and gratitude. This was a sweet day and such an inspiring day. Thank you Lord for Mona.


The story of Michael:

Michael is another Haitian living in the DR. We met Michael a few weeks after Mona in a completely different community we were visiting. At this point we have had several weeks of ministry time in the community and much of it has been filled with questions, confusion, awkwardness, some sweet highlights like Mona, but mostly filled with discouragement. However, the week we met Michael, everything changed. It was spirit filled and it was a celebration! The trajectory of this week has changed because our prayers have changed. Personally, my prayers have become more desperate and more faithful, praise God. Being here has quickly show me that we have nothing to offer these people and if the Holy Spirit isn’t moving in and working through us, we might as well go home.

The day we met Michael was another day out in the community with Pastor Job. We went to a small Haitian neighborhood that was tucked away and rickety. We met Michael and another man in the community and sat down to talk with them. Michael’s neighbor was quick to ask questions about faith, salvation, and baptism. I don’t even think we told him our names before he started firing away. We all perked up and got excited, thinking this was the moment. But, about as quickly as he sat down, before we could even form a full answer to his questions much less share the gospel, he got up and said he had to go because he felt sick. Michael was quiet in the corner this whole time. His friend left, we felt a little flat, but Michael was still there and so was Holy Spirit, and He was not done! Michael took his friend’s seat and since we were already on the topic of faith, we asked him about his own. He told us he believed in God but he hadn’t yet accepted Christ. We asked him why. His answer in short was because he had a lack of motivation as well as the right clothes to show up to church. Jesus seemed to equate to church in his mind and that was an open door for us. We got to share with him the Gospel, the love God has for him just as he is and right where he is. We got to show him that church is way bigger than a building, and the things holding him back from Jesus were lies he had been fed and believed. We were covering him in prayer and scripture and he was very receptive. Then the conversation began to idle, the topic got shifted a little off the subject of God. We lightened up and got to know each other a bit more. We prayed over him and that is usually when we would leave. However we could sense the Spirit was not done. As we were talking I had been flipping through scirpture searching for the right thing. Michael had told us about his struggle finding work and money to provide for himself, a common story for the Haitians living here. The Lord led me to John 6 – Jesus the Bread of Life. I read this passage to him and invited him to a Jesus who provides for way more than our earthy struggles and fears. Christian translated the passage to him in Creole. As we read, the wind picked up, I was hot and shaky. The Spirit was so present. Everything was covered in prayer. The Lord gave Michael ears to hear and after we finished reading, he told us he wanted to accept Christ! WHAT! We paused, because like that just happened, this is why we’re here. Then our brains caught up and we smiled and celebrated and rejoiced with him! Pastor Job prayed over Michael and walked alongside him as he prayed to give his life to Jesus. AMEN! What a gift to have been a part of! What a thrill! What a life worth living for! All praise and glory to God our Father! We smiled and laughed and celebrated more with Michael! What a sweet sweet day, a day that will change a man forever. Thank you Lord for Michael.



And now we pray. Prayer changes things and we have seen that this week. This is a constant lesson I am learning. Prayer is powerful and the God we are praying to is not only powerful but He loves us and loves to hear from us! What a joy! Thank you Lord for mercy and for new life that is abundant in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord for Mona and for Michael. We pray your blessings would go before and behind and all around these two and their families. We pray that you would captivate their hearts more and more each day. We pray that their lives would be a testimony to the One True God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Please join me in praying for Mona and Michael and all of the Haitian communities in the DR. Pray for their physical and spiritual freedom. Pray for revival for every man and woman in this entire country. Do it Lord!!!!! Come Lord Jesus!!!



Man if this isn’t what we’re here for I don’t know what is. My words don’t do justice to the impact these people had and keep having on me and my squad. I hope this gives y’all even a glimpse into the experiences we are having. As always thank you for your love and support. Keep praying for our teams and even more for the people we are ministering to. Sending all my love.


You are loved.

xoxo Tay <3

9 responses to “Mona and Michael”

  1. Hi sweetheart. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences that you’re having in the Dominican Republic and the people you’re getting to meet. God is at work down there and I’m so glad you could be a part of it and see it happening. It kind of makes you think that God isn’t just in the united states, he’s all over the world and loves all His people
    Hugs and loves to you. Aunt lib

  2. Taylor, I am so proud of you and your squad! You’re doing the work you went to do! That’s very rewarding and helps you grow in your own faith! Keep up the good work! Love you! Grandma Diana

  3. Thank you Lord for TAY! Thank you for sharing this. We’re all excited for you & covering you in prayer 🤍

  4. Thank you for sharing these two powerful and beautiful moments you and your squad experienced. I am in awe of how God is using all of you! You are His hands and feet.
    I love you! Praying for you and your squad! 🙏🏻💕😘

  5. So very proud of you! These next few months will be such an experience for you to see the world through other people’s eyes. You are doing what God chose you to do. You are making a difference in people’s lives. Prayers for continued growth. Always with you in my heart!

  6. I love these stories—and I especially love this insight: “The trajectory of this week has changed because our prayers have changed.” Your faith and your love for the Lord and for others are so evident in the story you are living each day!

  7. Wow, Taylor. What a gift both of these beautiful people were to you and T-squad. Thanks for sharing, but mostly, thanks for obeying! God is clearly working THROUGH you (serving and loving people usually ignored), and also IN you (deepening your understanding of prayer and gratitude). We miss you all.

  8. WOW! Lord we bless Mona and Michael to receive more of Your love and more of Your spirit. So encouraging. Thanks for sharing, Taylor!

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